Hypergraph-Partitioning-Based Remapping Models for Image-Space-Parallel Direct Volume Rendering of Unstructured Grids


Erkan Okuyan
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

Direct volume rendering (DVR) is a popular volume visualization technique, employed in exploration and analysis of 3D data grids used by scientific simulations. DVR applications are rather important in that they foster research studies by letting scientists have better visual understandings of the problems under investigation. In the last decade, DVR research has been accelerated due to the ever-growing size and use of numeric simulations and the need for fast and high-quality rendering. Image-space-parallel direct volume rendering (DVR) of unstructured grids for distributed memory architectures is the topic of this research. A hypergraph-partitioning-based model is proposed for the adaptive screen partitioning problem in this context. The proposed model aims to balance the rendering loads of processors while trying to enhance the speedup through means of data replication. In the parallel DVR framework we adopted, each data primitive is statically owned by several processors as opposed to previous single home approach. Two appropriate remapping models are proposed by enhancing the above model for use within this framework. These two remapping models aim to minimize the total volume of communication in data replication while balancing the rendering loads of processors.


DATE: 5 November, 2007, Monday@ 16:15